STP Phase 2
Update regarding Single Touch Payroll Phase 2
The Government have recently tightened eligibility testing for the Jobsaver Program and Micro-Business Grant.
From 10 September, 2021, to continue to receive the fortnightly Jobsaver Payments, businesses will be required to declare that they continue to maintain their employee headcount and satisfy the 30% or more decline in turnover requirement.
This means that businesses currently receiving assistance from any of the two programs are now required to reconfirm eligibility for Government assistance effective from the following fortnights(for the duration of the program):
- Jobsaver Payments 13 September to 26 September, 2021.
- Micro-Business Grant 20 September to 3 October, 2021.
Comparison Period
The comparison period for testing the 30% or more decline requirement refers to the period in 2019, 2020, or the period from 12 June to 25 June 2021, that was compared to for the initial application.
There are a number of options available for your comparison period. Please note you will need to use the same option each time you reconfirm your eligibility. Options are listed below:
Option 1 Rolling Comparison Period: If the initial comparison period was in 2019 or 2020, then you can use the same year but adjust the comparison period to match the current fortnight that is being tested.
For example, if you initially compared the period of 26 July to 8 August 2021 to 26 July to 8 August 2019,and you are now reconfirming your eligibility for the period of 13 September to 26 September 2021, then your comparison period is 13 September to 26 September 2019. You cannot use 13 September to 26 September 2020 as your comparison period in this example.
Option 2 Static Comparison Period: If the initial comparison period was in 2019 or 2020, then you can use the same year but use the same comparison period that you used in your original application.
For example, if you initially compared the period of 26 July to 8 August 2021 to 26 July to 8 August 2019, and you are now reconfirming your eligibility for the period of 13 September to 26 September 2021, then your comparison period remains 26 July to 8 August 2019. This comparison period will remain fixed for all future periods.
Option 3: If 12 June to 25 June 2021 was used as the initial comparison period then you must use the same period as your initial application when reconfirming eligibility.
Please note, if the comparison period used in the initial application was more than 2 weeks, the turnover amount for the comparison period must be converted to an equivalent fortnightly amount (by dividing the number of days in the period and multiplying by 14) for comparative purposes.
Timing of Payments
Once businesses have reconfirmed their eligibility, they will then receive payment within 5 business days.
Businesses eligible for some fortnights and not others
Since eligibility will be reconfirmed each fortnight, some businesses may find that they will be eligible one fortnight and not eligible for the next. In this instance, the business is not automatically disqualified from the program and will not be required to re-apply if they are eligible in the proceeding fortnights.
All businesses currently on the program will continue to have the opportunity to declare their eligibility each fortnight.
For more information please refer to the Services NSW website for JobSaver and Micro-Business Grant common questions.
For any questions please contact our office via email [email protected] or call 02 9821 2455.